Sunday, April 3, 2011

C is for Coffee

Coffee was not my first love; I am a tea drinker or at least I was.  My husband has converted me.  My husband makes the best coffee in the world. Recently he bought one of those coffee makers with the grinder right in it.  I didn't think it would make a difference but it really does taste better.  He has spoiled me but I like it very much.

My love of coffee developed as through our years of marriage.  Lately he has been bringing me coffee with breakfast in bed.  I suppose that heightens the appeal.  I am a very luck girl to have my coffee grinding man.

My mom used to always say that any meal she didn't cook tasted heavenly to her. She had eight children and did a lot of cooking.  Since she had to cook, it took away any of the joy it may have had before the children came along. It is sort of the same thing with the coffee.  I don't make it and I am served in my "Her Majesty" cup so really, how could I possibly complain.


  1. i am a tea drinker too. now you're worrying me that i may convert as my husband is a coffee drinker like yours but i don't know if he makes the best coffee in the world! btw, i don't have an email address for you so that i can respond to your comments on my blog! ;)

  2. I could use a good coffee maker. Does your husband rent out?
